Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our new home.....

So thats it, land contracts signed, our builder has our deposit for the house, hopefully in a years time we will be in our dream home. We spent four hours with our building consultant today working out our master plan for the house (Atlantique 32) I'm so excited I feel sick!

Our next step is to decide on everything, every little detail, from what colour/shape of bricks, roof tiles, garage door & windows to the colour/style of carpets, tiles, sinks and a whole lot of other stuff. We will go to the spectra showroom in a few weeks to look at samples to help us choose.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this looks amazing guys! glad it wasn't the purple speech bubble near the retirement village (thought you would have seen enough oldies at Weston beach to last a lifetime!LOL) Also glad to note 4 bedrooms, what's the rent?! :-D
    This is sooooo exciting!!!! PLUS: Si, there's no painting or building to be done in cold/stormy weather & no fore-person nagging (ummm..... I mean over-seeing/organizing) any spare time you have, this time round!
    Enjoy, you deserve it
    Luv T xxxx
